Hypnosıs RecordıngS

Self Improvement at your own pace with these recordings for you. 


One of our most popular sessions recorded using the latest technology in human mind research development, providing you with higher chances of passing your driving test.

Be sure to listen daily for a period of 21 days for best results.



  • Mind Processing Power
  • Induction to Higher Suggestibility
  • Overcoming Fear
  • Building a Solid Foundation for Success


Our Chakras are gateways to higher wisdom and experience. The third eye chakra is the most important chakra to develop your capabilities, wisdom, and knowledge in understanding your purpose in this life time. Listen to this recording to help you to connect with your inner self to open the doorways to higher expression and deeper understanding of yourself.



  • Induction to Higher Consciousness
  • Preparation for Deeper Knowledge
  • Connecting to your Chakras
  • Understanding the Process
  • Opening the Third Eye
  • Experiencing the Wisdom

OPenıng Your Mınd

Have you ever wanted to open your mind to new possibilities? This recording is designed to help you do just that. Recorded with state of the art technology to connect your unconscious mind to develop your skill at seeing opportunities and building confidence, it is highly recommended for helping you achieve better outcomes from your daily experiences.

Recommended listening once a day, preferably at night time.



  • Understanding Your Mind
  • Opportunities of Life
  • Developing your Senses for Acuity
  • Learning to Harness Experiences
  • Creating a Positive Outcome
  • Motivation for Changing Your Life

OverComing Fear

Imagine what you would be able to do if you could overcome your fear – a better life, profound experiences, enjoyment of days. This recording is specially recommended for anyone who is struggling to overcome their fear.

Listen twice daily for best results with headphones. Designed to create change for personal growth through the powers of your unconscious mind.


  • Understanding Fear
  • Connecting to your Senses for Change
  • Developing Powers of Your Unconscious
  • Reprogramming of Your Patterns
  • Helping to Break Self-Defeating Behaviors
  • Creating Change Through Repetition

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